
Fast and cost-effective go / no-go clad diagnosis for any technician available on-siteClad Tool is a Go/no-Go tool for instant detection of clad layer after blending-out corrosion or scratches.

The CladTool is referenced in NTM procedure NTM 51-10-30.

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AeroCheck Family - eddy current flaw detectors




130 times faster and accurate thickness mapping of blended-outs overall aircraft skin..
Dedicated solution for rapid and reliable thickness assessment of large structure that encompass a Phased Array UT instrument, a 32 elements roller probe together with acquisition and automatic analysis software.

Eddy Current Probes and accessories

The Line family.

Ultra-fast and easy go/no-go composite panels delamination assessment by any member of your team D-Lam Tool is a small, portable ultrasonic phased-array (32 sensors) go/no-go device for easy preliminary analysis of delamination on multilayered composite panels (CFRP/GFRP) .

Brochures: Info: Video:


Eddy Current Probes and accessories




Surface Crack Detection :

Carried out with ETHER NDE Eddy Current pencil probes or 'pancake' type probes on ferrous on non-ferrous metals. Frequencies from 100 kHz to a few MHz are commonly used. Depending on surface condition it is usually possible to find cracks 0.1 mm or less in depth. Shielded probes, with their focused field, add the ability to test very close to edges or dissimilar materials such as ferrous fasteners in an aluminium structure.
Differential probes are sometimes used, particularly in automated applications, but care must be taken to ensure that the orientation of flaws is correct for detection.


Sub-Surface Crack / Corrosion Detection:


This is primarily used in airframe inspection. By using an Ether NDE Eddy Current low frequency and a suitable probe, eddy currents can penetrate aluminum or similar materials to a depth of 10 mm or so, allowing the detection of second and third layer cracking, which is invisible from the surface, or thinning of any of the different layers making up the structure.
Test frequencies are generally in the range 100 Hz to 10 kHz. Probe size should also be two or more times wider than the depth of penetration required. 

The SG NDT technology is used for fuselage inspections and detection of corrosion. The multiplexing capabilities of the SG NDT instrument allows the use of up to 256 coils. They enable the instrument to inspect larger areas and even highly complex surfaces such as turbine blades efficiently. Corrosion is one of the main concerns of the Aeronautical industry. The S2G2-800 drives adequately the technical attributes to inspect large surfaces in a very short time.


sub surface crack